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Job vacancy: Numerical Rock

Numerical Rocks AS was founded in 2004 by Statoil Innovation with the purpose of commercializing cutting-edge technology within reservoir modeling and numerical simulations of reservoir rock properties. The company has 23 employees, is based in Trondheim, Norway and provides software tools and technical services for reservoir characterization. The company is owned by Statoil Innovation and the employees.

Main duties and responsibilities:
• Work actively with new and existing clients to promote awareness of use of e-Core technology
and software
• Key Account responsibility towards our clients
• Attend client meetings and occasional industry exhibitions as a ‘technical expert’
• Perform and manage technical studies using our technology and software
• Further development of our technology in close co-operation with our Trondheim R&D team
• Assist in reaching the company’s financial and strategic goals
• Personnel and QC responsibilities
• Be part of the management team

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