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PhD-fellowships / Post Doc-fellowships Norway

We are looking for four candidates for PhD-fellowships / Post Doc-fellowships (3 years) on projects within enhanced oil recovery supported by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and industry. The fellows will work in the following projects:

A Novel Approach to Surfactant Flooding Under Mixed-Wet Conditions

Low salinity water flooding of North Sea sandstone reservoirs

Project description:

A Novel Approach to Surfactant Flooding Under Mixed-Wet Conditions
The objective is to enhance the present knowledge and competence on surfactant flooding by investigating the key oil recovery mechanisms at various reservoir wetting conditions and at different scales in sandstone reservoirs. In particular, the project will be focused on the link between formation properties measured at core-scale and the input parameters used to properly represent these properties in a field-wide simulation and how this dependency is influenced by heterogeneities larger than the core-scale and smaller than the field simulator grid block size. One position will be directed towards experimental work and the other one towards matematical modelling.

Low salinity water flooding of North Sea sandstone reservoirs
The objective is first to develop a numerical modelling routine for simulation of physicochemical processes in low salinity water floods on laboratory scale (1-dimensional). A simple extension to water flood simulators that can be used to translate laboratory results into field scale estimates of low salinity water floods will be presented. Best practice for determination of the potential for low salinity water flooding of sandstone oil reservoirs including guidelines for required experimental and simulation work will be established. One position will be directed towards experimental work and the other one towards matematical modelling.

We would like to start as soon as possible.
Competency requirements
The fellowships are open for applicants with background in Reservoir Technologies, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics. Candidates must hold an MSc. degree, Cand. Scient. or equivalent.

We especially welcome applicants who have recently graduated, but are also interested to hear from those with some years of relevant work experience.

Personal qualities
You are creative, academically competent, able to work well in multi disciplinary teams, and interested in academic challenge and advancement.

A PhD fellowships / Post Doc. fellowships will be awarded for 3 years. For the selected candidate we can offer:

  • Work in a multidisciplinary environment with staff from IRIS, UiS
  • Excellent opportunity for networking towards the petroleum industry partners.
  • Competitive salary and benefits.
UnitIRIS - Petroleum
Working placeStavanger
Contact infoSenior Research Engineer Ingebret Fjelde , (+47) 51 87 53 87,
