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Oil & Gas Job Vacancy US Researcher Job

The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology

Research Position: Carbonate Reservoir Characterization
Research Laboratory

The Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory (RCRL) group at the Bureau of Economic Geology seeks to fill a research position in flow modeling, geomodeling, and petrophysical characterization of carbonate reservoirs. RCRL research uses outcrop and subsurface geologic and petrophysical data from carbonate reservoirs as the basis for developing new and improved integrated methodologies to better understand and describe reservoir-flow response, especially for enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. In twenty-one years of existence, the RCRL group has accumulated numerous outcrop and subsurface examples that are available as a world-class database for fluid flow characterization.

Individuals that are interested in the following areas of research:

  • Development of innovative methodologies for the incorporation of porosity and permeability in flow simulators based on stratigraphic architecture and depositional facies;
  • Design and implementation of flow simulations that highlight the impact of stratigraphic architecture on enhanced hydrocarbon recovery from both outcrop analogs and subsurface reservoirs;
  • Improved methodologies for the geostatistical distribution of stratigraphic heterogeneities; and / or
  • Development of methodologies that aim to better incorporate non-matrix pores (e.g., large vugs, fractures, and karst) in carbonate reservoir simulation.

The ideal candidate for this position is a reservoir engineer or hydrogeologist modeler with a doctoral degree and six or more years of experience, however all levels of experience will be considered. Candidates must demonstrate a strong desire to conduct independent research, collaborating with geoscientists in integrated teams, and ability to direct graduate student research directions.

To view full job description and/or apply: Refer to job posting #: 09-06-18-01-0708. Please follow applicant instructions outlined in the online posting

The University of Texas at Austin is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Security sensitive; conviction verification conducted on applicant selected.