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PhD Vacancies Aberdeen

Modelling of Transient Flow Regimes of Water-Gas-Oil Multiphase under Subsea conditions


Dr. Lixin Cheng

Funding Eligibility

EU/UK nationals.

Applications from international applicants will be considered provided they can demonstrate the ability to pay the difference in Tuition Fees.

Funding Notes

The National Subsea Research Institute has offered a number of three year fully funded doctoral studentship from 1st September 2009. We welcome applications from students with an interest in the oil & gas industry and subsea engineering to investigate complex multiphase flow. The annual stipend rates for full time students will be £13,290 per year plus fees paid direct to the institution. More information can be found at

Application Deadline

30 September 2009



Multiphase pumping, boosting and metering technologies are critical in the offshore oil and gas industry. However, multiphase flows are a very complex physical process since they combine the characteristics of a deformable interface, channel shape, flow direction and in some cases the compressibility of one of the phases (gas phase). Depending on the operating conditions, such as pressure, temperature, mass velocity, channel orientation (the effect of gravity, which in non-vertical channels tends to pull the liquid to the bottom of the channel), and fluid properties which are widely different combinations of different classes of fluids such as oil-gas, oil-water and oil-gas-water etc. Various gas-liquid or liquid-liquid interfacial geometric configurations occur in multiphase flow systems. To develop and improve multiphase pumping, boosting and metering technologies, it is very important to understand the flow regime characteristics under various operation conditions. The available experiments and models are mostly for steady flow conditions. Whether the available models are applicable to the transient operation conditions in the subsea oil gas production is not well explored. Therefore, the proposed research aims to model the complex transient flow regimes of water-gas-oil (oil-water, oil-gas and oil-water-gas) flows under the complex subsea conditions and to develop the corresponding prediction models for the void fraction, liquid holdup and frictional pressure drops. Design criteria of oil-gas-water multiphase flows under various flow regimes will be proposed. The proposed study is fundamental to the further investigation of multiphase metering, boosting and pumping technologies which have been planned as our long-term research targets in the field of multiphase flow.

NSRI was launched in January 2009 to define a co-ordinated long-term research strategy for the UK subsea industry. NSRI is a partnership between Subsea UK, the University of Aberdeen, Robert Gordon University, the University of Dundee, and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. NSRI Studentships fall within over-arching priority research themes related to reliability and integrity, autonomous systems, and offshore geotechnical engineering and fluid dynamics.

The student will be based in NSRI within the School of Engineering at the University of Aberdeen. The lead supervisor will be Dr Lixin Cheng. The studentship will be co-supervised by an industrial supervisor to be confirmed.

Application Procedure

Formal applications can be completed online:

Informal academic enquiries should be directed to Dr Lixin Cheng. All general enquiries should be directed to the Graduate School Admissions Unit.