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PhD in molecular biology / biotechnology at IRIS

Work assignments
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to work on
Molecular based techniques for autonomous petroleum leakage detection. The
position will be contracted for 3 years. The PhD work is integrated into a
research project financed by the Research Council of Norway under the Petromaks
program, and is targeted towards environmental application and innovative
monitoring for the offshore Oil and Gas (O&G) industry.

O&G industries are moving their activities
towards marine areas challenging traditional monitoring techniques like the
Arctic or the deep-sea. There is a need for innovative means of collecting
critical environmental information such as petroleum contamination and impact.
Real-time monitoring techniques using remote communication like the
Environmental Sampling Processor (ESP) of MBARI (Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
Institute, USA) bears potential for new solutions. This device has the ability
to collect environmental seawater samples and autonomously perform DNA
extractions and various molecular analyses, making it a powerful and a unique
tool for in-situ real-time of environmental samples and online monitoring.

The primary objective of the proposed PhD
task will be to work on adapting MBARI’s ESP modules and analytical assays for
the autonomous detection of oil leakages in the marine environment by using
specific molecular markers within the petroleum-degrading microbial community.
The PhD work will follow up all the steps from the selection and identification
of molecular markers to the validation of the analytical method in the ESP in
laboratory-simulated oil exposure scenarios

Competency requirements
The candidate should hold a Master Degree within biotechnology, molecular biology or
related subjects. The candidate will work closely with industry and an
experienced team of scientists in Norway and in the USA.
The candidate should have good laboratory experience in molecular
biology techniques (PCR, Taqman Q-PCR etc.) and preferably also good knowledge
in microbiology.
Personal qualities
The successful candidate has a good communicative skill in general
and good written and spoken English level in particular. Capacity to work
efficiently in a team and take initiatives is important. In addition to working
with researchers at IRIS, the student will be administratively connected to a
university and thesis supervisor (National e.g. University of Stavanger or
another international university).

Salary start at NOK 391,300 per annum (before tax), and follow ordinary meriting regulations.



  1. AbnSapkota


    Thanks for the helpful info. I would appreciate the job but we must choose the job which satisfies us the most.

    And if anyone is looking for jobs related to oil and gas. Here is a great site I found. You must check Oil & Petroleum Jobs. This is the best site on the internet. :)

    May 16, 2012 at 12:38 AM