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Oil and Gas Vacancy PhD Petroleum Norway

2 PhD research fellowships within Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics (publisert 16.3 2009, sist endret 19.3 2009) (Fjernes fra Innsida 30.4 2009)
Lagt inn av: Sissel Sæther

Melding til: IVT Fakultetsadministrasjon
Nettopp: Ledige stillinger

Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics

2 PhD research fellowships within Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics

The Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway invites applicants for two PhD research fellowships within petroleum technology and applied geophysics. The PhD research fellowships are awarded for a total of 3 years with a possibility for extending the period for one year as teaching assistant for NTNU.

The research project is within one of the areas drilling, production, reservoir or applied geophysics.

Applicants should hold a master’s degree or equivalent within petroleum engineering, applied geophysics, physics or mathematics and must be qualified for PhD study at NTNU.

For further information please contact: Professor Jon Kleppe, tel. +47 73 59 49 25, email:

vedlegg: IVT_IPT_1709_2 PhD_engelsk_nettopp.pdf