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Oil and Gas Vacancies- PhD in Norway

PhD position within Natural Gas technology – Acid Gas technologies - IVT 21/09. (20.3 2009) (Fjernes fra Innsida 15.4 2009)
Lagt inn av: Sissel Sæther

Melding til: IVT Fakultetsadministrasjon
Nettopp: Ledige stillinger

The Department of Energy and Process Engineering at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway invites applicants for one PhD research fellowship in the area of Natural Gas technologies. The position is a 3-year stipend.

The gas Technology Centre NTNU-SINTEF coordinates activities and initiatives new activities based on ideas from the various research group. Candidates are invited to apply with specific information about the nature of research work. Based on the candidate’s background, suggestions for research project, limited to 500 words, are welcome. It is important that the candidate documents educational background and work experience, as well as description of his/hers own interest for natural gas technologies.

The areas of research: A number of natural gas fields to be developed contain natural gas with a very high fraction of carbon dioxide, sulfur compounds as well as some mercury. The quality requirement for natural gas depends on its end-use and transportation method. Various technologies can be used to separate acid gases from the natural gas; phase-separation, membranes, absorption and adsorption. The task may span from equations of state, thermodynamics, process design and operation, process development, and theoretical.

For further information please contact: Professor Olav Bolland, email:

An application inclusive CV, grade transcripts and other enclosures should be sent electronically through, IVT-21/09. Preferably, we want the attachments in one file. Application deadline: April 15th, 2009.

vedlegg: IVT 2109 PhD EPT_engelsk_nettopp.pdf