Topic : Reservoir Engineering
Towards a predictive and quantitative pore network model:
development of an integrated experimental-
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Elisabeth ROSENBERG
Apply :
Pore network models in which the pore space is represented by a 3D network of interconnected pores and throats are used to compute transport properties in porous media including capillary pressure, relative permeability, residual saturation and electrical properties. The predictability of network models depends on the accuracy with which the network captures the complex geometric and topological properties of the pore network and the wettability of the porous medium. High resolution Computed X Ray Microtomography (CMT) offers a large prospect in this field because it provides directly a 3D image of the pore network and the matrix. It enables the extraction of morphological and topological parameters of the pore network but moreover, it allows the direct observation of the relative distribution of fluids inside pores and in best cases, to infer the pore wall wettability. The topic of the present thesis is to develop a synergy between CMT, Network model and fluid displacement experiments in order to reach a quantitative and accurate description of the pore network and of the fluid distribution and get a set of relevant characteristics of the medium improving the prediction of its properties.
Geomechanical and petroacoustical characterization
of rock alteration due to acid gas injection
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Elisabeth BEMER
Subject attributed
This Ph-D position is devoted to the impact of acid fluids injection on the geomechanical and acoustic properties of rocks, in order to improve the modeling of CO2 deep geological storages. The study will include a large experimental component, and will address two complementary issues: - definition of a geomechanical constitutive law taking into account the weakening of the mechanical properties of the reservoir rock (carbonate and sandstone with a carbonate cement) under the acid attack induced by an interstitial fluid saturated with CO2. This specific model could then be introduced in geomechanical simulations at the site scale; - characterization of the acid attack effects on the rock petroacoustic properties, to predict the induced variations on the seismic images used for monitoring the CO2 injection site.
Impact of temperature on the mechanical and
acoustical properties of rocks during the SAGD recovery
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Jean-Francois NAUROY
Subject attributed
The steam injection for the recovery of heavy oils subjects the reservoir rocks as well as the caprock to a rise in temperature from 200 to 300 °C. The injection of hot fluid increases the pore pressure, dilates the rock skeleton and the interstitial fluid and modifies the mechanical properties of the components in a complex set of interactions. Time-lapse seismic surveys (4D) record modifications of acoustic properties of the concerned rock layers showing the growth of the steam chamber around wells of SAGD. The objective of this thesis is to perform an experimental study on the behavior of rocks as a function of temperature to provide geomechanical and petroacoustic data necessary firstly to use numerical coupled reservoir-geomechanical models which will be developed in the framework of an other thesis, and secondly to contribute to the analysis of repetitive seismic data.
Homogeneisation of the relative permeabilities for the
single media modelling of fractured reservoir
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Andre FOURNO
Apply :
Recent environmental and economical questions as C02 storage and oil productivity require the use of numerical flow and transport simulations in geological media (as fractured media). Current characterization methods for fractured reservoirs allow obtaining at the fine scale a realistic representation of these complex structures: the discrete fracture network (DFN). As multiphase simulations are CPU time consuming on those models (too many nodes), various techniques of homogenisation have been developed towards single or dual porosity models. If efficient methods exist for the calculation of the equivalent permeability tensor, the upscaling of multiphase flow properties (relative permeabilities and capillary pressures) are an open issue. The goal of this thesis is to develop upscaling techniques of multiphase flow properties in order to carry out realistic single porosity simulations
Optimisation of the monitoring strategy of a geological CO2 storage
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Benoit NOETINGER
Apply :
Social acceptance of geological storage of CO2 will imply using up to date monitoring techniques, that will insure the relevance of the storage. Due to the number of available monitoring techniques and the associated costs, optimising the data management during the life of the storage is a major issue. We can have to provide answers to practical questions such as : In the case of a prospect : where can we drill a new exploration well, given that some data is already available, and that the geological context remains uncertain. In the case of an existing storage, what are the most relevant quantities to monitor : Ph, salinities of the fluids, pressures). In practice, we will have to address saline aquifer storage, both in the filling and storage phases. The proposed techniques are based about Information theory concepts, coupled with Bayesian inversion formalism. The main idea is to maximize the entropy-based distance between prior and posterior probability distributions of the parameters describing the geological/petrophysical storage. These distributions are defined in a bayesian sense using a probabilistic view of inverse problems. This entropy can thus be maximized with respect to the parameters describing the measurements such as the position of observation wells, frequency of data acquisition etc... The same approach can be applied about any parameter set of practical interest : total stored CO2, probability of . In practice, the involved calculations imply the evaluation of large covariance matrix, and of the associated determinants. Sampling techniques will have to be proposed in order to provide tractable calculations. Karhunen Loève decompositions, Monte Carlo sampling will be tested. Real example coming from France or Germany deep saline prospects could serve as practical examples.
Compaction of unconsolidated or weakly consolidated
reservoir rocks. Impacts on transport properties
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Nicolas GLAND
Apply :
Performance of reservoirs and wells in unconsolidated formations involve many challenges from the point of view of hydromechanical properties. Indeed, the significative deformations that theses unconsolidated reservoirs undergo during production, mainly because of fluid pressure changes, have an important impact on the performance of the wells but also lead to strong modifications of the flow properties at the scale of the whole reservoir. In this thesis, we will focus on the evolution of directional permeabilities with deformation on granular rocks with little or no consolidation, tested in the different deformation regimes. Computed MicroTomography could also be used to visualize the three-dimensional morphology of grains, pores and intergranular contacts in the studied rocks, in order to characterize the damage of the core samples submitted to triaxial tests. In addition, an acoustic emission set-up could allow to relocate at the core scale the damage created during compaction, which could help to correlate the macroscopic evolution of transport properties to the microstructural modifications.
Well treatments based on polymers and microgels.
Optimization of the effectiveness and of the durabi
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Yannick PEYSSON
Subject attributed
Most of the problems related to well productivity, especially in gas storage issues, result from sand and or water inopportune production. The fines, transported at high velocity by gas, have a very powerful abrasive capacity, involving an accelerated degradation of the equipments. Microgel or polymer treatments have shown their capacity to restore well productivities. However, the understanding of the main mechanisms related to the productivity enhancement are still lacking. The objectives of the research work is to investigate experimentally the cause of fines particles erosion and the interactions with polymers and microgels in order to optimise and to increase the durability of the treatments. The work will be based on flow in rock plugs to characterise particles erosion related to the nature of the rock types. Small scale visualizations are also needed to understand the relations between micro and macro scale.
Optimisation of non-conventional wells :
type, location and trajectory
Location : IFP Rueil
Promoter : Didier Yu Ding
Subject attributed
Non-conventional wells (multibranched well with arbitrary trajectory) allow to increase considerably hydrocarbon recovery. The productivity of this kind of wells depends on various factors which make the optimum well implementation difficult. The main factors to be considered are the well configurations (depth, orientation of main drain, number of branches, length and orientation of each branch, trajectory ...), reservoir heterogeneity or nature of fluid in place (oil, water, gas). By considering the high drilling cost and the potential earn in well productivity, optimum implementation of non-conventional wells is an important issue in petroleum industry. In this thesis, we propose to study new methodologies to overcome above difficulties for optimum well implementation.
Modeling of transport processes in low
permeability porous media : a molecular dynamics approach
Location : Laboratoire LI2C, UPMC, Paris
Promoter : Benoît Noetinger
Subject attributed