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PhD Vacancies Aberdeen

To view further details about any opportunity listed below please click on the studentship title. If you do not find a studentship of interest and still wish to pursue postgraduate research studies please contact us directly for help in finding a supervisor and funding in your area of interest.

Title A New Approach to Regional Greenhouse Gas Budgeting and Management
Discipline Geography and Environment

Dr. Colin Hunter, Professor Pete Smith, Professor Bill Slee

Funding Notes

The annual stipend is £12,000 and all fees will be paid as part of the studentship. An additional sum will also be available to cover research expenses (fieldwork, conference attendance etc).

Title Computational/Theoretical Chemistry: “Isomerising silicon hydrides: potential energy surfaces and vibrationrotation quantum dynamics"
Discipline Chemistry

Dr. Mark Law (University of Aberdeen) and Dr. Tanja van Mourik (St. Andrews University)

Funding Notes

The funding covers a stipend for 3.5 years (at typically £12940 per year) and all fees at the home rate.

Title Generation of Training Images for use in Multi-Point Statistics-Based Reservoir Modelling of Fluvial Systems
Discipline Geology and Petroleum Geology

Professor Adrian Hartley and Professor John Howell (Bergen)

Funding Notes

Sponsored by Total (£75k).

Title Surface Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis
Discipline Chemistry

Professor J. Anderson and Dr R.P.K. Wells.

Funding Notes

These studentships are fully funded but note that fees can only be paid for EU/Home students. All studentships involve collaboration with UK based industry and involve opportunity for periods of training with the industrial sponsor.

Title The Inhibition of Crystal Growth: Solutions to Problems in Oil and Gas Recovery
Discipline Chemistry

Professor Russell Howe

Funding Notes

Home fees and stipend at the standard EPSRC rate, for three years.