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Phd Position: Petroleum Engineering Torendheim

PhD Research fellowship within production management (publisert 9.12 2008, sist endret 10.12 2008) (Fjernes fra Innsida 23.1 2009)
Lagt inn av: Sissel Sæther

Melding til: IVT Fakultetsadministrasjon
Nettopp: Ledige stillinger

Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology Department of Production and Quality Engineering

PhD Research fellowship within production management Do you want to contribute to the development of new knowledge and solutions for the management of future production and process systems? In that case we encourage you to apply for a 4 year PhD scholarship within the research area production management at NTNU, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Department of Production and Quality Engineering.

Production and industrial manufacturing of products is a central part of the added value in Norway. The Norwegian manufacturing industry demands new knowledge, methods and solutions both to further improve its competitiveness, and to meet the market and customer demands for products and services.

Production management encompasses:

• Production logistics and value chains

• Quality management and performance measurement

• Project management

Both public administration and industry is involved in the department's research activities in these three areas. The industries involved are related to manufacturing, oil and gas production, process industry and service trade. The application must contain information of educational background and work experience. Copies of transcripts and reference letters should be enclosed.

An application inclusive CV, project description (1-2 pages), grade transcripts, reference letters and other enclosures should be sent electronically through, IVT-84/08. Preferably, we want the attachments in one file. Application deadline: January 23, 2009.