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Phd Position UK

Three-Year PHD Project in Petroleum Reservoir Modelling

Improved characterization and modelling of thinly-bedded, shallow-marine sandstone reservoirs

The aim of this project is to construct well constrained, detailed 3-D models of thinly-bedded, shallow-marine sandstones directly from suitable analogue outcrops. The reservoir properties and fluid flow dynamics of the models will be analyzed and quantified using a range of mathematical and numerical techniques, and methods for predicting them using conventional subsurface core- and log-derived measurements will be investigated. This innovative, multidisciplinary approach, combining detailed 3-D geological outcrop mapping with quantitative analysis, will be essential to understand how to properly characterise and model these complex reservoirs.

The project is ideal for a numerate geologist, geophysicist, engineer, physicist or mathematician who is interested in multidisciplinary research which combines the important aspects of petroleum geoscience and engineering, and which will advance our understanding of a significant problem. It will provide an ideal route into either an industry or academic career. Training will be provided where necessary in the state-of-the-art, industry-standard geological modelling and flow simulation software which will be used throughout the project.

The project is fully funded by NERC and ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company and offers an enhanced stipend relative to those normally offered by the UK Research Councils. The student will spend time working in the ExxonMobil URC offices in Houston, Texas. There will also be two field seasons in Utah. The anticipated start date for the project is 5th October 2009, but an earlier start is possible.

How to apply

Applications, including curriculum vitae and the names of two referees (with e-mail contact information) should be e-mailed to Dr. Matthew Jackson at or posted to the address below. More information about the project and related research can be found at

Deadline for applications is 13th March 2009. Please note that only UK nationals are eligible for NERC funding.

Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, SW7 2AZ