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PhD IfP France

Geomechanical and petroacoustical characterization of rock alteration due to acid gas injection
This Ph-D position is devoted to the impact of acid fluids injection on the geomechanical and acoustic properties of rocks, in order to improve the modeling of CO2 deep geological storages. The study will include a large experimental component, and will address two complementary issues: - definition of a geomechanical constitutive law taking into account the weakening of the mechanical properties of the reservoir rock (carbonate and sandstone with a carbonate cement) under the acid attack induced by an interstitial fluid saturated with CO2. This specific model could then be introduced in geomechanical simulations at the site scale; - characterization of the acid attack effects on the rock petroacoustic properties, to predict the induced variations on the seismic images used for monitoring the CO2 injection site.